Midleton Football Club Management Committee
Elected at the A.G.M. The Management committee shall be responsible for the affairs of the whole club and should work closely with all sections of the club which include:
Finance & Fundraising
Grounds & Facilities
Marketing & Communications
The Management committee will have meetings once a month with each of these sections. The Management Committee is also responsible for the future development of the club and has a responsibility to ensure that decisions taken at committee level are within the rules of the club and that such decisions are carried out.
Football Administration Team
This committee is elected within one month of the A.G.M., and is to consist of Club officers, League delegates, Insurance Officer, Awards Co-ordinator, Head Coach Co-ordinator, Team Managers & Coaches, Children’s officer, Players Committee Representative and Committee members.
The Football Administration Team is responsible for the affairs of all teams including:
Senior, junior men & women, boys and girls under 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11 Academy boys & girls under 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Recruitment, training, coaching, affiliation and registration of all players and teams;
Purchase and care of footballs, playing gear and any other equipment deemed necessary for all teams and academy players;Appointment of team managers for all teams;
Organisation of the collection of membership fees from all players.
Meeting of the Coaches forum to help improve the development of football.
The Committee is to finance all costs relating to the Football Section by organising and supporting fundraising events.
The costs include but not limited to:
Insurance of playing Members, Managers, and Committee Members;
Transport to matches;
Team Kit and equipment including footballs first aid etc;
Players functions and events;
Trophies, Plaques, and Presentations;
Contribution to maintenance of pitches and training facilities.
Coaching courses
All Team managers are to attend meetings once a month to give a report on the performance on the happenings of his/her team. The Football Section is to be self-financing.
Finance & Fundraising Team
This committee is elected within one month of the A.G.M. and is to consist of Finance chairperson, Club officers and committee members. The finance and fundraising section is responsible for the management of all club funds including club lotto, all weather facility, ground adverts, vending machines, sponsorship, flag day, collections, draws, ground development, repairs, maintenance, projects and fundraising events that are deemed necessary.
The annual accounts to be presented to members at the A.G.M, and audited by a firm of auditors or accountants.
Grounds & Facilities Team
This committee is elected within one month of the A.G.M., and is to consist of club officers, all weather caretaker, grounds person, government scheme co-ordinator, safety officer, projects manager and committee members.
The Grounds and Facilities section is responsible for the management, upkeep and maintenance of all facilities, clubhouse, dressing rooms, all-weather, playing pitches, covered stand, car park, entrance, boundary area and any future development projects. The committee must regulate the use of the playing pitches and may let the grounds at their discretion for fixtures and training. Sub-Committees' may be appointed for projects.
All proposed expenses and budget costs to be submitted to the finance section.
Marketing & Communications Team
The Marketing and Communications team is to be elected within one month of the A.G.M., and is to consist of club officers and committee members.
The Committee is responsible for:
Public Relations;
Club Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
Press Release;
Match Reports;
Match & Fixtures
Club Events;
The committee is to work closely with other sections of the club, local press, leagues, reporter and photographers in promoting Midleton Football Club.
All proposed expenses shall be submitted to the finance section.
1. The name of the club shall be Midleton Football Club.
The colours of the club shall be black and white with a change strip of yellow/blue.
3.1 Provide opportunities for young people of the community to become involved in Football.
3.2 To have all teams in the club playing at the highest grades available to them, with special emphasis placed on coaching, education and development.
3.3 To promote and encourage social and athletic activity and fair play among its members with special emphasis on youth.
3.4 To provide for its members quality training, good playing surface, facilities and an organisation catering for their needs in these respects.
3.5 It is the stated policy of Midleton Football Club not to discriminate against any person/s or group on any grounds whatever, especially regarding their colour, age, sex, gender, disability. Discriminatory action/behaviour of any kind is dealt with by rule 9.4.under Management Committee.
4.1 Membership fees to be decided at the A.G.M.4.2 No player can play or train with Midleton F.C. unless their current membership fees are paid
4.3 All membership must be registered with the club via the online membership facility on the club website.
4.4 All membership fees including adults schoolboys / girls, and underage are to be paid online via the online membership facility on the club website (www.clubforce.com) or given to the Club Treasurer for lodgement to the club bank account.
4.5 Membership season starts 1st August each year.
4.6 A member must be over 17 years of age to have a vote at an A.G.M. or E.G.M. (17 years on or before the date of the meeting).
4.7 Management committee of Midleton F.C. has the right to refuse or terminate membership
4.8 The Club Secretary to keep a record of all members.
4.9 Temporary Membership of up to two months to be provided for new players and guest players.
4.10 The committee shall have the power to elect to honorary membership such period as they deem fit persons considered to have rendered exceptional service or assistance to the club. The reasons for such an election to be inserted in the minutes
5.1 The A.G.M of the members of the club shall be held in August or September each year on a date to be fixed by the management committee.
5.2 Club officers and management committee members as outlined in rule 7 shall be elected at the A.G.M
5.3 The agenda shall be distributed to all members at least 7 days prior to the A.G.M.
5.4 The date for receipt by the secretary of motions shall be not less than 21 days prior to the date of the A.G.M.
5.5 The notice of intention to hold the A.G.M. shall be published in the local press at least 7 days before the closing date for receipt of motions.
5.6 Each member 17 years or older present at the A.G.M shall have one vote. In the event of a tie the chairman of the meeting has a casting vote.
5.7 Any item for decision at the annual general meeting shall be determined by a majority vote of the members present and voting at the meeting except for those items listed at
5.8 which require a two-thirds majority.
5.8 Changes to club rules, authorisation of sale or purchase of assets in accordance with rule 8.10 and 8.11 and authorisation of loan or bank overdraft in accordance with rule 8.6 require a two thirds majority of the members present and voting at the meeting.
5.9 The quorum of any general meeting shall be 15 members.
5.10 The club auditors for the coming year shall be elected at the A.G.M.
5.11 Election of Trustees.
5.12 The club president or failing him/her a club vice president or failing him/her the club secretary or failing him/her a member present at the meeting is to chair the meeting for the election of chairperson. The incoming chairperson to chair the meeting for the election of all other positions.
5.13 Decide membership fees in accordance with the rule 4.15.14 Election of club president and club vice-presidents.
6.1 The club secretary shall on a resolution of the management committee summon extraordinary general meeting of the club members.
6.2 The club secretary shall on receiving a request for an E.G.M signed by 20% of the members over 17 years at the time summon an E.G.M to be held within 21 days of receiving such request. The request for the E.G.M must also give in writing the motion that is to be placed before the members at the meeting.
6.3 At least 7 days’ notice of an E.G.M to be given to all members
6.4 Each member 17 years or older present at an E.G.M shall have one vote. In the event of a tie the chairman of the meeting has a casting vote.
6.5 Any item for decision at an E.G.M shall require a two thirds majority vote
6.6 The club chairperson or failing him/her the club vice chairperson or failing him/her the club president or failing him/her a club vice president or failing him/her the club secretary or failing him/her a member present at the meeting is to chair an extraordinary general meeting.
7.1 All club officers to be elected at A.G.M.
Club Chairperson
Club Vice Chairperson
Club Secretary
Club Assistant Secretary
Club Treasurer
Club Assistant Treasurer
Club Communications Officer
Assistant Club Communications Officer
Club Membership Officer
Club Assistant Membership Officer
7.2 Nominations in writing for the above positions to be with the club secretary at least 14 days, prior to the date of the A.G.M. Each nomination must be proposed and seconded by a fully paid up member and the member nominated for such position must indicate a willingness to accept the position if elected. If there are no nominations received for a position in accordance with the above, then nominations will be accepted at the A.G.M. prior to the election. All candidates must be 17 years or over at the date of the A.G.M.
7.3 The management committee can fill any club officer vacancies that may arise between A.G.M.’s.
7.4 Management committee members to be elected at the A.G.M. and can also be co-opted by the management committee.
8.1 All bank accounts shall be in the name of Midleton Football Club plus the relevant club section.
8.2 All monies received by the club must be lodged in the correct relevant bank account.
8.3 Any misappropriation or alleged misappropriation of funds will be investigated and dealt with by the club's officers as they see fit.
8.4 Management committee may open any bank account as they see fit.
8.5 Management committee to authorise cheque signatories on behalf of the club.
8.6 Management committee may authorise the officers of the club to negotiate any bank loan or overdraft for Midleton F.C. Each loan or overdraft in excess of €20,000 must have the approval of the members at an A.G.M. or E.G.M.
8.7 Four times each year the treasurer to give to the management committee the bank balance (after deducting un-cashed cheques) and amounts owing.
Four Dates: 31st August, 31st October, 31st January, 30th April.
8.8 The treasurer to ensure that a detailed record and analysis is kept of all monies received and payments made.
8.9 Each year the Income and Expenditure account and Balance Sheet be presented to the members at the A.G.M. by the club Treasurer or by a person nominated by the management committee.
8.10 Best purchasing practices and value for money must be sought on all items and purchased. Any club officer or committee person with an interest financial or otherwise relevant to supplies of goods or services to Midleton F.C. must declare such interest to the management committee of Midleton F.C. Any purchase of goods or services in excess of €500 and any event/project which is not self-financing must have the approval of the management committee. Any purchase in excess of €20,000 must have the approval of members at an A.G.M. or E.G.M.
8.11 The sale of any asset valued in excess of €20,000 must have the approval of members at a A.G.M. or E.G.M.
8.12 If at any time the amounts owing by Midleton F.C. are greater than the bank balance after deducting un-cashed cheques plus any authorised loans the treasurer is to report it to: The Club Chairperson and Management committee.
8.13 The annual income and Expenditure account shall be audited by a public auditor appointed by the members at the annual general meeting of the club.
9.1 The management committee shall consist of the club's officers and those elected, in accordance with rule 7.
9.2 The management committee shall be responsible for conducting the affairs of the club and shall regulate the use of the club's premises and grounds.
9.3 The management committee shall have the power to adopt any bylaws necessary for the working of the club, and shall have the power to execute changes therein provided that none of such bylaws infringe in any way the rules herein contained.
9.4 The management committee shall have the power to expel or suspend from the club any member of the club whose actions are, in the opinion of the management committee injurious to the welfare and interest of the club. The aggrieved member shall have the right in the first place to appeal to the management committee against such penalties.
9.5 Expelled members shall have the right to appeal to a general meeting if not satisfied with appeal to the management committee.
9.6 The management committee shall meet once a week or as often as the affairs of the club require.
9.7 The quorum for the holding of a management committee meeting shall consist of four members.
9.8 Shall be responsible for the maintenance of the grounds and upkeep of premises.
9.9 The Management of club finances and fund raising events within club rules.
9.10 The Marketing and Public Relations
9.11 The future development of the club.
9.12 The Football Administration of the Club
9.13 The management committee can appoint the management of the Senior team, Junior team, Youths team, and schoolboys/girls teams to a person or persons.
9.14 The management committee can delegate if it wishes the management of the club grounds and or premises to a person or persons.
10.1 The Football Administration Section officers shall be elected in accordance with rule 7
10.2 A committee to be put in place in accordance with rule 7.2
10.3 The Football Administration Section to run the affairs of Midleton F.C. senior, junior, youth, schoolboys/girls and academy to include but not limited to:10.3.1 Recruitment, training, coaching, affiliation and registration of all players and teams.10.3.2 Purchase and care of footballs, playing gear and any other equipment deemed necessary for all teams and underage players.10.3.4 Ensure the payment of membership fees from all playing members.
10.4 The Football Administration Section to be self-financing.
10.5 All costs relating to the Football Section to be financed by the Football Administration section. These include but not limited to.
Insurance of all playing members, managers, officers and committee members.
Team gear and equipment including jerseys, footballs, first aid kits etc
.Players functions and events.
Trophies, Plaques and Medals.
Contribution to upkeep of grounds and dressing rooms.
Coaching Courses.
10.6 The Club treasurer to keep a detailed record and analysis of all moneys received and payments made on behalf of the Football
Administration section of Midleton F.C.
11.1 The trustees shall be elected at the club A.G.M and each shall hold office until removed from office at a general meeting of the club.
11.2 All freehold and leasehold property should be vested in not less than five and not more than fifteen trustees.
11.3 The trustees of the club shall deal with the assets of the club as decided by resolution of the committee of which an entry in the minute book of the committee meeting shall be sufficient evidence.
11.4 Every trustee, officer or member of a committee shall be indemnified out of the assets of the club for all acts properly carried out by him/her in the pursuance of his/her duties on behalf of the club.
12.1 Chair committee meetings and the clubs AGM.
12.2 Assist the Secretary to produce the agendas for meetings.
12.3 Assist the committee in making decisions for the benefit of the whole club including disciplinary matters and strategic planning.
12.4 Provide a report on activities to the membership at the AGM.
12.5 Ensure that planning and budgeting for the future is carried out in accordance with the wishes of members and in line with club policies.
12.6 Be a facilitator for club activities.
12.7 Liaise with relevant stakeholders including local authorities, affiliated leagues and the FAI.
12.8 Act on behalf of the committee.
12.9 The Chairperson is also the Designated Liaison Person in accordance with the FAI Child Welfare and Safeguarding Policy.
Ensure that rule 4.2 re membership is adhered to.
The Secretary acts as the primary administrator for the club. The Secretary carries out or oversees administrative duties on behalf of the committee. The Secretary has an essential role within the club, with a close involvement in the general running of the club. The secretary and his/her assistant provide the main point of contact for people within and outside the club. The secretary will have a close working relationship with the chairperson.
14.1 Record attendance and minutes of all meetings in writing and disseminate information for the committee.
14.2 Carry out the decisions of the meeting and write any letters made necessary by such decisions.
14.3 Keep a complete and up to date list of members and addresses.
14.4 Keep in contact with leagues and make sure meetings are attended.
14.5 To answer and deal with all correspondence.
14.6 Call committee meetings and in consultation with the chairperson and draw up the agenda for the meeting.
14.7 Registering players to the league(s).
14.8 Where it is practicable send out the agenda for committee meetings to the members prior to the meeting.
14.9 Club secretary to call general meetings of the members in accordance with rules 5 and 6.
14.10 Present a report on the activities of the past season to the members of the club at the annual general meeting.
14.11 Club secretary to record minutes of the A.G.M and any E.G.M held.
14.12 Circulate minutes of committee meetings to members.
The club Treasurer is responsible to the club committee. The Treasurer maintains a record of all financial transactions undertaken by the club and alongside the committee ensures the club’s financial well-being.
15.1 Ensure that rule 8 re club funds is adhered to.
15.2 Collecting fees and all monies due to the club.
15.3 Keeping up to date records of all financial transactions.
15.4 Prompt payment of all invoices ensuring the club gets a reputation for honesty and reliability.
15.5 Reporting regularly to the committee on the financial position of the club.
15.6 Preparing a year-end statement of accounts.
15.7 Arranging for the statement of accounts to be audited
15.8 Presenting an end of year financial report to the AGM.
15.9 Financial planning including producing an annual budget and monitoring it throughout the year in line with the club committee.
15.10 Helping to prepare and submit any statutory documents that are required (e.g. VAT returns, PAYE returns, grant reports). Even if these duties are delegated to another officer, the Treasurer is still ultimately responsible. It is up to the Treasurer to make sure that any delegated work is completed correctly
Communicationsis the practice of managing the flow of information between Midleton FC and the public through various channels, representing the image and reputation of our club in a positive manner.
16.1 Present the club in a positive manner.
16.2 Liaise with club committee, officers and officials to ensure that all key events, news and initiatives can be communicated.
16.3 Publicise club activities such as games, open days, training sessions, player recruitment drives, fundraising efforts,selection of players for representative teams, etc.
16.4 Develop a good working relationship with media – newspapers, radio, etc. in our area.
16.5 Be accessible to media and local groups – liaising with and answering queries from media, individuals and organisations via telephone, email and social media channels where required.
16.6 Submit fixture lists, scores, and match reports where possible.
16.7 Develop a good relationship with key community groups / centres and schools in our area.
16.8 Maintain club website & social media channels.
16.9 Devise and implement opportunities to promote the club.
17.1 Team managers are responsible for their own team affairs
17.2 Ensure that his/her team and players obey the rules of the club.
17.3 Organise the recruitment of players, selection of team, signing of players the care of footballs, first aid, kit and equipment.
17.4 Organise transport for all games and the appointed time for training and games.
17.5 Attend meetings once a month to give a report on the performance and happenings of his/her team.
17.6 Appoint an assistant coach, medical officer or any other person that is deemed necessary subject to the approval of the relevant committee.
17.8 Prepare an end of season report on his/her team for the season and submit to the relevant committee.
17.9 Ensure that all players, assistant managers and volunteers training or playing with his/her team are current members of the club.
17.10 Ensure all players pay registration via the Club on-line registration facility on our club website.
17.13 Managers of schoolboys/girls, underage to ensure that the rule re the required number of relevant adult members as set out in rule 10.12 & 11.12 are present with the team at all times including training, traveling and matches.
17.14 Report on team games and team news to club website, social media channels.
17.15 Report results to the relevant Leagues and club personnel
18.1 All team matters are the responsibility of the manager and players must attend for games, training etc. as appointed.
18.2 All players who sign for Midleton Football Club must abide by the rules of the club.
18.3 Players are to pay registration fees which is decided at the A.G.M.
18.4 Managers can only select players who are fully paid up members of the club.
18.5 F.A.l. rules regarding retention and registration of player’s suspensions apply at all times.
18.6 Players are responsible for all fines, appeals etc. incurred by them subject to appeal to the relevant committee.
18.7 Players must be in the dressing rooms at the appointed time for home games and at the appointed departure place at the appointed time for away games.
18.8 Players when playing, training or traveling to/from games are representing the club.
18.9 All persons when representing the club must always behave courteous and disciplined especially towards their team manager and assistants, officers of the club, fellow team members, referees, opposing team members, officers of the league, supporters, colleagues, fellow members and the general public.
18.9 Players must at all times respect club property and property of other clubs and leave it in the condition they got it.
18.10 Players must not cause any damage whatsoever to any third party property including transport vehicles traveling to and from games